Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wine Country and a dysfunctional family functioning

Mozart's ghost, and the Maestro's 24th piano concerto, floats above the carpet here in early May. The sun shines on my little hummingbird and her nest outside my patio. She became super mommy recently and now has two hungry mouths to feed while fending off the evil scrub jay in the neighborhood. I love hummingbirds, and more so now than ever with no fur-balls to attend to these days. To see such a small frail being attack so much larger birds in the hood with the ferocity of a lioness while protecting her little nest and babies brings a sense of  joy and wonderment to me this spring. Dr. Evil Jay poses no threat to Ms. Austin Powerful Humming Bird in her green winged costume of streaked magenta plumes. She too fast, he too low and slow. Hooray!

I've also got a pair of little finches busy nest building, and getting things ready for a few more sparkling finches singing to me the day through. Almost feels like zippity-do-dah around these parts this month. The days have been unusually warm, which I quite like by the way, and the evenings cooling down to nice sleeping temps, which I love by the way. Climate quality makes Northern California the best place on earth. Period. It certainly helps to have good friends and fine family around to enjoy it.

I have two sons, Patrick and Winston, who both have aided their old dad immeasurably this past year. But, I remember what being in the early 30s and late 20s was all about a few decades ago. "See ya soon!" "Gotta run." "Busy, busy, busy." "Love you, but can't spend much time with you." All natural, all normal, all the time for all time. We get together at times convenient for their very busy schedules.

I had, however, forgotten April among all the above exposition of current reality. April is birthday month and a major holiday month for Thrashers. Maybe for you, too? The old family could get together for the first time in over 20 years to celebrate a birthday, which we did. We also all got together on the 20th of April to celebrate Easter. Gadzooks! Two sons and mom and dad all together for two meals with no drinking, no arguments and no fuss. Just two fabulous days in April where for a few hours years rolled away and smiles filled the spaces.

After all this family harmony, I had to ask the mom, even if it broke the good-vibe spell, if she would care to take a trip with the dad to the wine country for a day in the not too distant future.

I could take the rejection. I had a lunch date the following week with a dear friend back in NorCal from his arduous Florida years, and there were birds on the patio to watch, but blow me over with a hummingbird feather, she said yes.

I cannot thank her enough. We both had a wonderful time just touring Napa Valley for a day. We had good eats at really terrific restaurants and talked seamlessly about past and present. She bought a lunch and I bought the wine. She says she's saving her bottles of Chardonnay for Thanksgiving. I know I'll drink my blend, or Meritage "pronounced like heritage" said our young tour guide, well before Thanksgiving. But, I'll bring a fine bottle for the event, guaranteed.

The week ended with a little shower, and my little hummingbird friend sitting patiently on her pine cone nest protecting her youngsters. No sight of scrub jays to be seen as the sun warmed trees and grounds after the modest rainfall. I'll miss them when she and hers take flight and leave the nest for good, but maybe a little bird will pay a visit down time's road during a special month when the sun shines and a dysfunctional family that functions every once in awhile gets together for something special.

Thanks for the visit. Until the next chapter, peace in our lifetime.