With a decade that began with a dot.com crash, and suffered through all the horrible crashes and collapses in between, it seems fitting that this final week of the Zero Decade ends with our guard down in Afghanistan amid political jockeying centered on a guy in adult diapers getting past various airport security personnel.
I would be sure that 2010 could not possibly be worse, but with so many people living on the brink any stupid huckster's misplaced feint could cause everything to be much worse. We have too much concentrate of bait in the world bowl. Sip carefully, all.
Right now, with Jackson Browne harmonizing his words through a rich David Lindley arrangement on the Infinity speakers, I am grateful our little Musette kitty made it safely home after three days gone on the coldest nights of the year. Let us try to think for ourselves and put the pundits and their sales pitches of discord behind us this new year. Let us hold those we cherish close and listen to their hearts for comfort.
Happy New Year to you all!