A month away from blog land here at the Silver Threads network. All those ideas over all those days evaporated in the heat of physical exertion. I am the blank slate now. Eyeballs register the moment, and detects more than a 10 pound loss on the body mass from a month ago. Almost back to turn-around jump shot shape if the knees today did not demand some other hobby.
The national scene remains just as ugly today as it was on August 31, 2009. Health care reform now is in the clutches of various paid-for-by-the-industry officials that have done nothing to curb terrible insurance practices or skyrocketing premiums. The opportunity for necessary changes slips quietly away, like Democrat Party worms slinking back into the ground after a rain. Weren't they everywhere just an hour ago with optimism and feigned courage of convictions?
Too much talk radio and right-wing lunacy to stand up to must be the Democrat signal for retreat. All those ignoramuses at various town hall events with the birth certificate signs, the Hitler comparisons, and the no public option but don't touch my medicare screams drown out facts and reason yet again. Donkeys could be worms, but the suggestion is too yucky for our prepackaged public to swallow.
So, I have a variant suggestion on the theme for a new Democratic Party symbol. It should be a little rolled circle of one loose wet spaghetti strand. It is soft and pliable. On its lonesome it has no taste to speak of. You can never get a drenched strand of spaghetti to stand up for any thing. The wet spaghetti strand serves as the icon for political dysfunction. There remains no cure for the limp will. No pasta Viagra to invigorate blood, and bone an issue where it must be boned.
Wet spaghetti knows its place on the political plate is to be buried under a heavy garish red sauce which hides true taste. Wet spaghetti then gets cut, spooned or twisted until it disappears without a trace.